IRIDRA' research activities
Making an idea reality requires a huge amount of work and time. Firstly, the potentiality of the idea should be explored with a theoretical research phase (for instance through numerical modelling simulations). Secondly, an experimental research phase is done to test the effectiveness of the idea, usually with small scale-pilot studies. Finally, the upscale from lab to real scale is necessary, through a fundamental applied research phase.
Among the most innovative nature-based solutions were proposed by IRIDRA in the field of both constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and sustainable water management, coupled with robust monitoring phases. Over the years, IRIDRA has given an important contribution in the field of applied research. Recently, IRIDRA has also started to contribute in other research fields, for instance with pilot-scale studies of innovative nature-based solutions and new constructed wetland field of applications as well as modelling studies linked to the theoretical research. Therefore, IRIDRA wants to continue the sharing of its experience to transform innovative ideas into reality.

Applied research

Experimental research