Design and construction supervision for public and private clients

Nature-based solutions (such as constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment) need a good design, which is fundamental to guarantee a reduction of investment costs as well as a long-last functioning of the systems. Moreover, a proper realization is also crucial to respect the designed aims. Therefore, also a proper construction supervision is needed: check of crucial construction activities, use of materials in respect of design specifications, proper execution of the work and acceptance tests. Since common civil construction companies have few experiences with the realization of nature-based solutions, it becomes fundamental a long-last experience in this field.

IRIDRA has a long-last experience in preliminary and detailed design of nature-based solutions,  for public and private clients, at national and international level.

Moreover, IRIDRA gained a wide experience in the supervision of realisation works, not only at national but also at international levels, for both developed and developing countries.

System design for public administrations and public bodies.


Impianto fitodepurazione

Progetto Esecutivo impianto fitodepurazione SFS-h + prato umido (350 a.e.). Direzione lavori, avvio e monitoraggio impianto. Loc. Isola di Gorgona – Parco Arcipelago Toscano - Premio Carnia '97.

Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia - Isola di Gorgona (LI)

Importo lavori
euro 490.634,00

Grado di attuazione



Sistema di trattamento dei reflui civili

Progetto Esecutivo di un sistema di trattamento dei reflui civili mediante fitodepurazione (900 a.e.): sistema a 3 stadi SFS-h+SFS-v+SFS-h .

Comune di Montecarotto (AN)
(con Studio Tecnico Ing. Gara - Jesi (AN))

Importo lavori
euro 432.274,00

Grado di attuazione

IRIDRA gestione ecosostenibile delle risorse idriche

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Every act of copy, reproduction, steal or modification of the material, without explicit autorization, is punishable on the basis of the legislation regulating the copyright. However, according with the art. 70 l. 633/41 is allowed the citation of part of the website provided that they are used for criticism or discussion, training or research, with the aim of dissemination and with not commercial aims and citing the source with the inclusion of the link to the website; the use in not allowed to economically compete.

© 2018-2025 IRIDRA Srl

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